Archive: September 14, 2010

1:05 P.M. EDT THE PRESIDENT:  Thank you!  Hello!  (Applause.)  Thank you.  Thank you.  Well, hello, Philadelphia!  (Applause.)  And hello, Masterman.  It is wonderful to see all of you.  What a terrific introduction by Kelly.  Give Kelly a big round of…

10:29 A.M. EDT MRS. OBAMA:  Thank you so much, truly.  (Applause.)  Everyone, please.  Thank you so much.  Good morning. AUDIENCE:  Good morning! MRS. OBAMA:  Let me tell you, I am as thrilled to be here as you all sound.  (Laughter.) …

“Today’s vote brings us one step closer to ending the months-long partisan blockade of a small business jobs bill that was written by both Democrats and Republicans.  This is a bill that would cut taxes and help provide loans to…

I am very pleased that Sarah Shourd has been released by the Iranian government, and will soon be united with her family. All Americans join with her courageous mother and family in celebrating her long-awaited return home. We are grateful…

On September 13, 2010, the President declared a major disaster exists in the State of New Mexico and ordered Federal aid to supplement State and local recovery efforts in the area struck by severe storms and flooding during the period…