Archive: September 17, 2010

1:37 P.M. EDT THE PRESIDENT:  Good afternoon, everybody.  Before we begin I just want to mention a report that was released by the Census Bureau yesterday about what happened to wages during the last decade.  It revealed that between 2001…

“Nuestra economía entró en una recesión hace casi tres años a raíz de una crisis financiera y una rápida devaluación de las viviendas. El año pasado vimos la gravedad de la recesión, que incluyó la mayor pérdida de empleo en…

1:37 P.M. EDT        EL PRESIDENTE: Buenas tardes a todos.        Antes de comenzar sólo quiero mencionar un informe que la Oficina del Censo dio a conocer ayer sobre lo sucedido con los salarios en la última década.…

Earlier today, the Vice President met with Kuwaiti Prime Minister Sheikh Nasser Al-Sabah.  The Vice President expressed his gratitude for Kuwait’s tremendous contribution during the recent redeployment of U.S. servicemembers from Iraq, most of whom transitioned through Kuwait.  In addition,…

Destaca algunos de los proyectos más innovadores y eficaces de la Ley para la Recuperación en todo el país WASHINGTON DC – El Vicepresidente Joe Biden dio a conocer hoy un nuevo informe, titulado “100 proyectos de la Ley para…

Focus on Moving the Economy Forward WASHINGTON — Later this month, the President will continue his conversations with middle-class Americans with stops in New Mexico, Iowa, and Virginia.  Throughout the summer, President Obama has met with families to listen to…

WASHINGTON – Today, President Obama announced the appointment of Elizabeth Warren to serve as Assistant to the President and Special Advisor to the Secretary of the Treasury on the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau.  In July, the President signed the Wall…

Visiting spouses will also tour Stone Barns Center, a New York farm and education center On Friday, September 24th, First Lady Michelle Obama will host a special event for the spouses of Chiefs of State and Heads of Government participating…

Spotlights Some of the Most Innovative and Effective Recovery Act Projects Nationwide WASHINGTON DC – Vice President Joe Biden today released a new report, “100 Recovery Act Projects that are Changing America.”  The report highlights some of the most innovative…

WASHINGTON —  A fines de mes, el Presidente continuará sus conversaciones con estadounidenses de clase media, en visitas a Nuevo México, Iowa y Virginia. Durante todo el verano, el Presidente Obama se reunió con familias para escuchar sus inquietudes y…