Archive: November 2, 2010

Earlier today, President Obama called members of the San Francisco Giants organization.  He congratulated the management, owners and the team on winning the World Series and noted that he remembered the excitement he felt when the White Sox broke their…

We condemn in the strongest terms the Government of Iran’s apparent plans to move forward in executing Ms. Sakineh Mohammadi Ashtiani.  The lack of transparency and due process in Ms. Ashtiani’s case, and the subsequent actions taken against her lawyer…

Today marks an important milestone in the history of human exploration. For the past decade, men and women from 15 nations have lived and worked together in space in the peaceful pursuit of science and exploration. The first crew of…

This morning, the President spoke with President Ali Abdallah Saleh of Yemen to discuss our ongoing cooperation against al-Qa’ida in the Arabian Peninsula.  Both leaders condemned al-Qa’ida’s attempt to smuggle improvised explosive devices (IED) into printer cartridges that were sent…