Archive: November 6, 2010

5:10 P.M. IST              THE PRESIDENT:  Well, thank you very much, everybody, for joining us.  I’m going to be very brief here today.  This is partly because I’ve got a long speech that will immediately follow this.      …

5:36 P.M. IST       MRS. OBAMA:  I love dancing.  Oh, that was fun!  (Applause.)  We should do that again.  (Applause.)  Okay, we’ll do that before we leave.       I just want to thank you all.  Thank you.  And I want…

2:25 P.M. IST       THE PRESIDENT:  On behalf of Michelle and myself, I want to say what an extraordinary honor it is to be here in India.  I want to thank the people of Mumbai and all of you here…

President Obama lays out his priorities for the coming discussion about tax cuts, calling for compromise but making clear he cannot accept $700 billion in deficits or an increase in middle class taxes.

WASHINGTON – Ya que el Congreso se dispone a concentrarse en impuestos cuando reanude sus labores este mes, el Presidente Obama hizo un llamado a ambos partidos para que colaboren y se centren en los asuntos en los que todos…

El Presidente Obama habló hoy con el Presidente Felipe Calderón de México para reafirmar el apoyo de Estados Unidos a los esfuerzos de México por acabar con la impunidad de los grupos criminales organizados, tras el operativo de ayer en…

Background: On his first day in office, President Obama signed the Memorandum on Transparency and Open Government, calling for unprecedented transparency, participation, and collaboration as a hallmark of his Administration.  Similarly, in 2005, India enacted the Right to Information Act,…

India and the United States share a passion for and demonstrated leadership in agricultural research, technology, and education. Working together, they can discover and launch innovative solutions for tackling challenges that confront not just the United States and India, but…

The United States is the world’s largest recipient of Foreign Direct Investment (FDI). India is among the fastest growing investors in the United States. As the U.S.-India economic relationship deepens, investment from India contributes to the growth and vibrancy of…

As part of the National Export Initiative, President Obama noted that India—with its tremendous economic growth and its large and growing middle class —is a key market for U.S. exports.  Those exports are generating jobs in every corner of the…