Archive: November 12, 2010

In July, President Obama signed the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act, an historic financial reform bill, and one consistent with the key priorities that he laid out a year ago.  The bill puts the U.S. at the…

Today, the President joined other G-20 leaders in releasing a comprehensive Action Plan to strengthen anti-corruption efforts worldwide.  With this initiative, the G-20 signaled its commitment to fighting corruption in the public and private sectors and ensuring that corrupt officials…

Today at the Seoul Summit, G-20 Leaders re-affirmed their commitment to the groundbreaking decision taken at the Pittsburgh G-20 Summit in 2009 to phase out fossil fuel subsidies in the medium term.  They recognized the substantial progress that has already…

Today, at the Seoul Summit, G-20 issued a statement that includes principles on development and a comprehensive multi-year Plan of Action for future G-20 engagement.  The G20’s plan includes actions on infrastructure, trade, human resource development, private sector investment and…