Archive: November 15, 2010

I welcome Senator McConnell’s decision to join me and members of both parties who support cracking down on wasteful earmark spending, which we can’t afford during these tough economic times.   As a Senator, I helped eliminate anonymous earmarks, and as…

“The President is extremely pleased that voter registration has begun in Southern Sudan in preparation for the January 9th, 2011 referendum on self-determination. Voter registration is a critical milestone in that process, and we hope that it will continue unabated.…

WASHINGTON – On Thursday, December 16, 2010, President Obama will host the White House Tribal Nations Conference. As part of President Obama’s ongoing outreach to the American people, this conference will provide leaders from the 565 federally recognized tribes the…

      Education is essential to our success as both a people and a Nation.  During American Education Week, we rededicate ourselves to providing a complete and competitive education for every student, from cradle through career.       In an increasingly interconnected…