Archive: November 17, 2010

WASHINGTON – Hoy, el Presidente Barack Obama nombró a quince ganadores de la Medalla Presidencial de la Libertad. La Medalla de la Libertad es la condecoración civil más importante del país, y se otorga a personas que han hecho contribuciones…

Estoy profundamente decepcionado de que una minoría de senadores haya impedido que la Ley de Equidad en Cheques de Pago (Paycheck Fairness Act) finalmente fuera llevada a debate y se sometiera a votación. La ley fue aprobada en la Cámara…

Today, the President will award the National Medal of Science and the National Medal of Technology and Innovation in the East Room of the White House.  The President will present the National Medal of Science to ten eminent researchers and…

President Barack Obama today announced the designation of a Presidential Delegation to the Holy See to attend a ceremony elevating two American Archbishops to Cardinals. On November 20-21, Pope Benedict XVI will elevate Vatican Chief Justice Archbishop Raymond Burke (formerly…

WASHINGTON – Today, President Barack Obama named fifteen recipients of the Presidential Medal of Freedom.  The Medal of Freedom is the Nation’s highest civilian honor, presented to individuals who have made especially meritorious contributions to the security or national interests…

I am deeply disappointed that a minority of Senators have prevented the Paycheck Fairness Act from finally being brought up for a debate and receiving a vote.  This bill passed in the House almost two years ago; today, it had…

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, President Obama signed an Executive Order that makes significant improvements to federally funded partnerships between the government and faith-based and neighborhood organizations.  These changes were recommended by a taskforce of the President’s Advisory Council on Faith-based…

See below for an answer to a question (marked with an asterisk) posed in the gaggle that required follow up.   * We are confident that Congress will act so that taxes for middle-class families will not go up at…

NATIONAL FAMILY WEEK, 2010 BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA A PROCLAMATION Like generations before them, today’s American families rely on their love and care for each other to face challenges.  During National Family Week, we celebrate…