Archive: November 19, 2010

7:34 P.M. WET     THE PRESIDENT:  Good evening, everybody.  I just wanted to take a few minutes to talk about the substantial progress that the United States and our NATO allies have made here today.     We head into tomorrow’s…

2:25 P.M. WET       PRESIDENT SILVA:  (As translated.)  Good afternoon.  I would like to start by thanking President Barack Obama for having accepted my invitation for a working meeting during his first visit to Portugal.       Portugal is honored to…

President Obama met with Georgian President Mikheil Saakashvili in Lisbon today to discuss further strengthening bilateral relations and increasing our cooperation. President Obama reaffirmed U.S. support for Georgia’s sovereignty and territorial integrity.  President Obama expressed his appreciation for Georgia’s significant…

I applaud the Senate for passing the Claims Settlement Act of 2010, which will at long last provide funding for the agreements reached in the Pigford II lawsuit, brought by African American farmers, and the Cobell lawsuit, brought by Native…

President Obama spoke with Turkish President Gul at the NATO Summit in Lisbon today.  The two leaders agreed on the importance of the Alliance developing new capabilities to respond to 21st century challenges.  President Obama thanked President Gul for his…

Below are comments from today by Chancellor Angela Merkel and NATO Secretary General Anders Fogh Rasmussen regarding the New START. Chancellor Merkel: Chancellor Merkel welcomed the unity of the NATO Summit on a new political strategy.  “The strategic concept is…

On Sunday, many around the world will observe the anniversary of birth of Guru Nanak Dev Ji, the founder of Sikhism.  I send my best wishes to all those observing this extraordinary occasion.  This is also an opportunity to recognize…

3:07 P.M. WET       PRIME MINISTER SOCRATES:  Mr. President, it’s an honor to welcome you to Portugal on your first visit to my country.  And I think this is the right moment to reaffirm in front of you the transatlantic…

WASHINGTON, DC – At a Middle Class Task Force event today, co-hosted by the Department of Justice’s Access to Justice Initiative, Vice President Biden announced a series of steps designed to help middle class and low-income families secure their legal…

The op-ed below by President Barack Obama appeared this morning in the International Herald Tribune. Europe and America, Aligned for the Future President Barack Obama  With this week’s NATO and United States-European Union summit meetings in Lisbon, I am proud…