Archive: December 1, 2010

3:34 P.M. EST       THE PRESIDENT:  I want to thank General Colin Powell for being here with me today.  He is not only a great statesman and a great public servant, but also a great friend and a great counselor. …

12:29 P.M. EST       MRS. OBAMA:  Well, hello, everyone.  Good morning.       AUDIENCE:  Good morning.       MRS. OBAMA:  And Happy Holidays.  All right now, it’s Christmas.  I know you guys are in the military and you keep your kids —…

Fifty-five years ago, Rosa Parks refused to give up her seat on a bus – an act that challenged the moral conscience of an entire nation.  The Montgomery Bus Boycott marked a turning point in American history – the moment…

WASHINGTON- Today, President Obama nominated Arenda L. Wright Allen, Judge Claire C. Cecchi, Mark Raymond Hornak, Robert David Mariani, Judge John A. Ross, Judge Esther Salas, and Judge Michael F. Urbanski to seats on the United States District Court.  …

WASHINGTON – Today, President Obama nominated Christopher R. Thyer to serve as U.S. Attorney for the Eastern District of Arkansas. “Christopher Thyer has shown an unwavering dedication to justice throughout his career,” said President Obama.  “I am confident that he…

WASHINGTON, DC- Today, President Obama nominated Judge Bernice Bouie Donald for a seat on the United States Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit.  Judge Donald currently serves as a United States District Judge for the Western District of Tennessee.…

As part of an integrated federal government approach to respond to the unlawful and irresponsible disclosure of classified information by Wikileaks, the National Security Staff has been coordinating an interagency effort to examine the policies and practices surrounding the handling…

2:30 P.M. EST         MR. GIBBS:  Let me do one quick statement before I start taking questions.  I just want to call your attention to a significant step forward for the agenda that the President outlined during the nuclear security…

——- BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA A PROCLAMATION From the air we breathe to the water we drink, the quality of our environment has a profound effect on our public health, the well-being of future generations,…