Archive: December 2, 2010

6:44 P.M. EST       THE PRESIDENT:  Oh, this is a good looking group right here.  (Laughter.)       Good evening, everybody.       AUDIENCE:  Good evening.       THE PRESIDENT:  Welcome to the White House.  I want to thank all of you for…

11:25 A.M. EST       MRS. OBAMA:  Well, thank you.  Thank you, Ken, for that very kind introduction.  And I want to thank you and your wife, Tammy, for your outstanding work through the Fisher House Foundation.       I also want…

1:04 P.M. EST       THE VICE PRESIDENT:  Please sit down.  Thank very much.  Well, let me begin by saying congratulations to all of you.  And, you know, I always ran for the United States Senate and would never have the…

“The President continues to believe that extending middle class tax cuts is the most important thing we can do for our economy right now and he applauds the House for passing a permanent extension.  But, because Republicans have made it…

The United States calls on all parties to respect the results of Côte d’Ivoire’s November 28 election as announced today by the Independent Electoral Commission.  Those provisional results have declared Alassane Ouattara the winner over incumbent president Laurent Gbagbo.  Credible,…

I am so thrilled that the House of Representatives has passed “The Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act” – a groundbreaking piece of bipartisan legislation that will significantly improve the quality of meals that children receive at school and will play an…

Nearly 7 million Americans could lose coverage by end of next year; 600,000 jobs at stake WASHINGTON—Failure by Congress to act on extending unemployment benefits will have stark consequences for Americans this holiday season, according to a new report from…

MEMORANDUM FOR THE SECRETARY OF STATE Presidential Determination No.    2011-6 SUBJECT:    Suspension of Limitations Under the Jerusalem Embassy Act Pursuant to the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and the laws of the United States, including section…