Archive: December 7, 2010

Michelle and I were deeply saddened to learn of the passing of Elizabeth Edwards.  This afternoon I spoke to Cate Edwards and John Edwards, and offered our family’s condolences.  I came to know and admire Elizabeth over the course of…

“Elizabeth Edwards fought a brave battle against a terrible, ravaging disease that takes too many lives every day.  She was an inspiration to all who knew her, and to those who felt they knew her.   Jill and I extend our…

El acuerdo marco anunciado por el Presidente asegura recortes tributarios e inversiones vitales en nuestros trabajadores que generarán empleo y acelerarán el crecimiento económico. El plan incluye tres logros clave: • Las familias trabajadoras no perderán su recorte tributario. La familia…

Below please see some statements of support on the framework agreement on middle class tax cuts and unemployment insurance from various economists, advocacy groups, pundits and editorial boards. Economists and Economic Research   Michael Linden and Michael Ettlinger, Center for…

The framework agreement announced by the President secures vital tax relief and investments in our workers that will create jobs and accelerate economic growth. The plan has three key accomplishments: Working families will not lose their tax cut. A typical…

2:25 P.M. EST       THE PRESIDENT:  Good afternoon, everybody.  Before I answer a few questions, I just wanted to say a few words about the agreement we’ve reached on tax cuts.       My number one priority is to do what’s…