Archive: December 8, 2010

5:34 P.M. EST THE PRESIDENT:  Hello, everybody.  (Applause.)  Thank you.  Thank you very much.  Everybody, please have a seat.  Have a seat.  Welcome, everybody.  We are thrilled to have you here.  And I want to start by acknowledging a few…

11:45 A.M. EST PRESIDENT OBAMA:  Good morning, everybody.  I want to extend the warmest possible greetings to President Komorowski and his delegation.  Poland is one of our strongest and closest allies in the world and is a leader in Europe. …

“Me complace que los líderes demócratas y republicanos del Senado se hayan puesto de acuerdo sobre una medida legislativa que evitará que entre en vigor un recorte significativo de la paga de médicos y que ayudará a asegurar que las…

Felicito a la Cámara de Representantes, su presidenta Pelosi, el congresista Berman, el Grupo Hispano del Congreso (Congressional Hispanic Caucus) y otros líderes del Congreso por dar el histórico paso de aprobar hoy la Ley DREAM en una votación bipartidista.…

I congratulate the House of Representatives, Speaker Pelosi, Congressman Berman, the Congressional Hispanic Caucus and other congressional leaders for taking the historic step of passing the DREAM Act today with a bipartisan vote. This vote is not only the right…

SENATOR AKAKA STATEMENT ON TAX CUT PROPOSAL Washington, D.C. – U.S. Senator Daniel K. Akaka (D-Hawaii) issued the following statement today:     “On Saturday, I strongly supported two proposals to permanently extend the tax breaks for middle-class families, extend…

Statement in a blog post: Posted: Wednesday, December 08, 2010 President Obama And Congress Not everyone got what exactly they wanted from this week’s agreement between President Obama and Congressional leaders, but I believe that most of us got…

Governor Doyle Statement on President Obama’s Tax Cuts for Working Families MADISON – Governor Doyle today made the following statement:   “President Obama should be commended for making a difficult but responsible decision.  The Republicans threatened middle class tax increases…

Kerry on Tax Cuts for Middle Class WASHINGTON, D.C. – Senator John Kerry (D-Mass.), senior member of the Finance Committee, tonight released a statement on the proposal by President Obama to provide tax cuts for every American:   “It’s no…

Statement from Oklahoma City Mayor Mick Cornett regarding President Obama’s Tax Plan Office of the Mayor City of Oklahoma “I applaud President Obama’s compromise with Republicans to maintain our current tax rates as well as ensure that millions of Americans…