Archive: December 9, 2010

Mayor T.M. Franklin Cownie’s Statement on President Obama’s Tax Cuts for America’s Middle Class Des Moines, IA – Mayor Cownie Issued the following statement in response to President Obama’s economic incentive package for America’s middle class families.   “I want…

City of Miami, Florida STATEMENT BY MIAMI MAYOR TOMAS REGALADO ON THE TAX CUT DEAL I applaud President Obama for working with Congressional Republicans and Democrats to reach a deal that extends tax cuts to all Americans while also continuing…

Last night’s approval of the DREAM Act in the House of Representatives was a historic and important step.  We agree with the Senate leadership’s decision to table the version under consideration in that chamber in favor of taking up the…

Dear Senator: The Senate will soon take up comprehensive tax and unemployment insurance legislation growing out of the compromise agreement reached between the White House and Republican leadership. This legislation will provide much needed support to American families who are…

Colorado Gov. Bill Ritter issued the following statement today supporting President Obama’s proposal to provide tax relief to American families and businesses still struggling through the worst economy in nearly eight decades: “As a Governor, I have seen first hand…

Constituents across southern New Mexico have shared with me their concerns about raising taxes at a time when the economy is still recovering.  I agree with them and that’s why I support the President’s proposal to extend tax-breaks for the…

 President Obama: keeping the core promise Posted on December 8, 2010 by R.T. Rybak Like most Americans, I’ve read a lot in the past couple days about the deal that President Obama struck with Republicans to extend unemployment insurance. While…

Stephanie Rawlings-Blake Mayor, Baltimore City 250 City Hall « Baltimore Maryland 21202 Better Schools. Safer Streets. Stronger Neighborhoods. Wednesday, December 8, 2010 Statement from Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake about President Obama’s Tax Cut Plan   BALTIMORE, MD. (December 8, 2010)—Today, Mayor…

Mayor Joseph P. Riley, Jr. today expressed support for President Obama’s compromise agreement with Congressional leaders that will result in the extension of middle-class tax relief and unemployment benefits to Americans who have lost their jobs during this deep economic…

The following are additional analyses from economists and economic research groups on the impact of the framework tax agreement on economic expansion and job growth:   Morgan Stanley Research “President Obama has announced a ‘framework’ agreement with Republican Congressional leaders…