Archive: December 11, 2010

The President strongly urges both parties in Congress to pass the compromise on tax cuts, unemployment insurance, and job creation. Not doing so would hurt the middle class, those struggling to find work, and the economy itself.  Learn more about…

Earlier today, I spoke to Richard Holbrooke’s wife Kati and told her that Michelle and I are praying for Richard.  Richard Holbrooke is a towering figure in American foreign policy, a critical member of my Afghanistan and Pakistan team, and…

Earlier today President Obama called President Felipe Calderon of Mexico. President Obama congratulated President Calderon for his leadership and Mexico’s excellent work chairing the Cancun conference to a successful conclusion that builds on the historic Copenhagen Accord and advances the…

This morning President Obama called Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan of Turkey.  The leaders discussed the enduring importance of the U.S.-Turkish partnership and affirmed their commitment to work together on a broad range of issues.  The President expressed his regrets…

THE WHITE HOUSE Oficina del Secretario de Prensa ______________________________________________________________________________ 11 de diciembre, 2010   MENSAJE SEMANAL: Presidente Obama hace firme llamado a la aprobación del acuerdo marco sobre recortes tributarios WASHINGTON – En el mensaje de esta semana, el Presidente…