Archive: March 4, 2011

Adler Residence Miami, Florida 7:17 P.M. EST THE PRESIDENT:  Thank you.  Thank you so much.  Thank you, everybody.  (Applause.)  Everybody have a seat.  We’re among friends here.  We don’t have to stand on ceremony.  Let me begin by just thanking…

Fontainebleau Resort Miami, Florida 5:44 P.M. EST AUDIENCE MEMBER: Fired up! THE PRESIDENT: Fired up! (Applause.) Hello, Miami! (Applause.) AUDIENCE MEMBER: Yes, we can! THE PRESIDENT: Yes, we can. (Applause.) I am so pleased to be here in the Sunshine…

Miami Central High School Miami, Florida 4:00 P.M. EST THE PRESIDENT:  Hello, Rockets!  (Applause.)  Thank you!  (Applause.)  Thank you, everybody.  (Applause.)  Everybody, have a seat, have a seat.  Have a seat.  It is good to be here today! (Applause.)  I’m…

Miami Central High School Miami, Florida 3:39 P.M. EST THE PRESIDENT:  What’s up, Rockets?  How are you?  (Applause.)  Well, thank you.  It is great to see all of you.  I am thrilled to be here at Miami Central.  That’s all…

Miami Central High School Miami, Florida 3:25 P.M. EST THE PRESIDENT:  Thank you so much, everybody.  Look, I could not be prouder of you.  I couldn’t be prouder of your teacher and your principal.  The reason we came down here…

The decision by Harvard University to formally welcome the Naval Reserve Officer Training Corps to its campus is an important step in moving past the old divisions that often kept many Americans from seeing what we share with one another,…

The President and First Lady announced today that this year’s White House Easter Egg Roll will be held on Monday, April 25, 2011 with the theme of “Get Up and Go!” promoting health and wellness. The event will feature live…

On Friday, March 4, 2011, the President signed into law:   H.R. 662, the “Surface Transportation Extension Act of 2011,” which provides funding for programs funded from the Highway Trust Fund (HTF) for the period from March 5, 2011 through…

NOMINATIONS SENT TO THE SENATE:   Eric S. Edelman, of Virginia, to be a Member of the Board of Directors of the United States Institute of Peace for a term of four years, vice Chester A. Crocker, term expired. Daniel…

An excerpt of the op-ed by Secretary of Education Arne Duncan is printed below.  The op-ed, in its entirety, can be found online HERE.   “Every day educators across the country are challenging the status quo and showing that low-performing…