Archive: March 9, 2011

WASHINGTON – Today, President Barack Obama announced his intent to nominate the following individuals to key Administration posts:   ·         Dereth Glance, Commissioner, International Joint Commission, Department of State ·         Rich Moy, Commissioner, International Joint Commission, Department of State ·        …

Like so many here in Washington and across the country, Michelle and I were deeply saddened to hear about the passing of a true giant of journalism, David Broder.  David filed his first story from our nation’s capital before starting…

Below please see some statements of support from business leaders on the President’s choice to nominate Gary Locke to be Ambassador to China. John Frisbie, President, US-China Business Council (USCBC) “Gary Locke is a great choice to serve as the…

The United States deplores the recent violence in the Abyei region of Sudan and calls on Northern and Southern Sudanese leaders to take immediate steps to prevent future attacks and restore calm.  This dangerous standoff is unacceptable for the Sudanese…

President Obama will welcome Prime Minister Lars Lokke Rasmussen of Denmark to the White House on Monday, March 14th.  The President looks forward to discussing with Prime Minister Rasmussen the strong ties between the United States and Denmark, the common…

Michelle and I join with millions of Christians here and across the world to mark Ash Wednesday.   As we observe the season of Lent, we receive with thanksgiving this opportunity for grace and repentance, recommit ourselves to our faith, and…

James S. Brady Press Briefing Room See below for an answer to a question (marked with an asterisk) posed in the briefing that required follow up. *The President stands firmly behind the nomination of Don Berwick because he’s far and…