Archive: March 16, 2011

5:00 P.M. EDT       THE PRESIDENT:  Thank you.  (Applause.)  Everybody, have a seat, have a seat.  (Applause.)  You’re making me blush.  (Laughter.)       AUDIENCE MEMBER:  We love you!       THE PRESIDENT:  I love you back!  (Applause.)       It is —…

3:33 P.M. EDT       MRS. OBAMA:  What’s going on?  How are you guys doing?       AUDIENCE:  Fine.       MRS. OBAMA:  Fine!  Are you excited?       AUDIENCE:  Yeah!       MRS. OBAMA:  You ready to do something?       AUDIENCE:  Yeah!       MRS.…

The President spoke this evening by telephone with Japanese Prime Minister Naoto Kan to discuss the status of ongoing relief efforts in Japan, including the emergency at the Fukushima nuclear plant. The President again conveyed his deep condolences at the…

Mary Geiger Lewis, of South Carolina, to be United States District Judge for the District of South Carolina, vice Henry F. Floyd.   Jane Margaret Triche-Milazzo, of Louisiana, to be United States District Judge for the Eastern District of Louisiana,…

WASHINGTON- Today, President Obama nominated Mary Geiger Lewis and Judge Jane Margaret Triche-Milazzo to United States District Court judgeships. “These women have had distinguished legal careers and I am honored to ask them to continue their work as judges on…

The Vice President chaired a monthly Cabinet-level meeting today to discuss the current political, economic, and security situation in Iraq.  Attendees included Secretary of Defense Robert Gates, Secretary of Transportation Ray LaHood, Director of the Office of Management and Budget…

1:52 P.M. EDT       MR. CARNEY:  Good afternoon, everyone.  I, again, apologize for the delay.  I am waiting for my first slow news day on this job.  It is not today.  It is a news day — that’s for sure. …

      MR. CARNEY: And there’s plenty of opportunity in the Americas.  These are growing economies.  These are dynamic societies.  These are countries that are on the rise in many respects.  And again, it’s very much in the United States’ interest,…