Archive: March 19, 2011

Tryp Convention Brasil 21 Center Brasilia, Brazil 4:04 P.M. BRT THE PRESIDENT:  Thank you.  (Applause.)  Boa tarde.  Thank you very much.  Please, please, everybody be seated.  It is a great joy to be here in Brazil, and on behalf of…

Tryp Convention Brasil 21 Center Brasilia, Brazil 5:07 P.M. BRT THE PRESIDENT:  Good afternoon, everybody.  Today I authorized the Armed Forces of the United States to begin a limited military action in Libya in support of an international effort to…

Palácio do Itamaraty Brasilia, Brazil 2:13 P.M. BRT   PRESIDENT ROUSSEFF:  (As translated.)  President of the United States; Madam Michelle Obama; Mr. Vice President of the Republic Michel Temer of Brazil; José Sarney, who is the Speaker of the House…

Palácio do Itamaraty Brasilia, Brazil 1:33 P.M. BRT   THE PRESIDENT:  I just want to begin by thanking President Rousseff for her extraordinary hospitality, to the Brazilian companies who are here, many of whom have investments in the United States. …

Palacio do Planalto Brasilia, Brazil 12:54 P.M. BRT PRESIDENT ROUSSEFF:  (As translated.) Your Excellency Barack Obama, President of the United States of America; ladies and gentlemen; members of the delegation of the U.S. and of Brazil; ladies and gentlemen journalists;…

Oca da Tribo Restaurant Brasilia, Brazil 11:40 A.M. Brazil Time   MRS. OBAMA:  Well, thank you.  Very good.  (Laughter.)    Well, hello, everybody.  Bom Dia.  (Laughter.)  Is that it?  (Applause.)  That’s all I have, unfortunately.  (Laughter.)   But thank you…

Earlier today, Vice President Biden called President Karzai to get an update on the situation in Afghanistan and to underscore our ongoing commitment to Afghanistan, including our efforts to protect Afghan civilians. President Karzai was appreciative of the call, reiterating…

President Obama and President Rousseff enjoyed fruitful and productive meetings during the President’s visit to Brasilia. They highlighted their country’s already existing strong bilateral ties; discussed topics of bilateral, regional, and global interest; and agreed to expand cooperation in numerous…

At the invitation of President Dilma Rousseff, the President of the United States of America, Barack Obama, paid a State Visit to Brazil on March 19, 20 and 21, 2011. BRAZIL AND THE UNITED STATES AS GLOBAL PARTNERS Noting the…

Michelle and I were saddened to hear that Warren Christopher has passed away.  Deeply dedicated to serving his country, Warren’s career ranged from the naval reserve in World War II to a clerkship at the Supreme Court to the practice…