Archive: March 21, 2011

9:06 P.M. CT          THE PRESIDENT:  Buenas noches.  (Applause.)  President Pinera, First Lady, former Presidents Aylwin, Frei, Lagos; to all the distinguished guests here tonight, especially the Secretary General of the Organization of American States, Jose Miguel Insulza. …

4:27 P.M. CT        PRESIDENT OBAMA:  Muchas gracias.  Thank you so much.  (Applause.)  Thank you.  Thank you so much.  Thank you.  Thank you.  Please, please, everyone be seated.       Thank you.  Buenas tardes.  It is a wonderful honor to be…

      2:45 P.M. Santiago Time       MRS. OBAMA:  Thank you.  Hola.  Hello, everybody.  Es un placer estar aquí con ustedes.  (Applause.)  Gracias.  (Applause.)       Before I begin today, I just want to say that our thoughts and prayers continue to…

3:18 P.M. CT        PRESIDENT PINERA:  (As translated.)  Good afternoon, everyone.  Firstly, I would like to cordially and heartily welcome a friend of Chile and a personal friend, President Obama. I think that your visit, President, is very important and…

“I believe that in the Americas today, there are no senior partners and there are no junior partners, there are equal partners.  But equal partnerships, in turn, demand a sense of shared responsibility.  We have obligations to each other, and…

THE WHITE HOUSE Oficina del Secretario de Prensa ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ EMBARGADO HASTA SU ENTREGA 21 de marzo, 2011   Declaraciones del Presidente Barack Obama – Versión Preparada Centro Cultural Palacio la Moneda Santiago de Chile Lunes, 21 de marzo, 2011 Buenos…

President Obama and President Piñera enjoyed meaningful and productive meetings during the President’s visit to Santiago.  They highlighted the strong and natural ties between the United States and Chile and sought to build on their relationship on issues of regional…

The President of the Republic of Chile Sebastián Piñera and the President of the United States, Barack Obama, held a working meeting in which they discussed the main aspects of the bilateral relation between the two countries, as well as…

WASHINGTON – Today, the White House is announcing an Easter Egg Roll Poster Contest for local school children.  The First Lady will be selecting the winning design, which will serve as the official 2011 White House Easter Egg Roll poster. …

Teacher collaboration critical to early success in Delaware WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, Vice President Joe Biden and Secretary of Education Arne Duncan were in Wilmington, Delaware to celebrate the first year anniversary of the first Race to the Top awards,…