Archive: April 5, 2011

2:02 P.M. EDT  THE PRESIDENT: Hello, everybody. Good afternoon. As many of you know, this morning I had a meeting with Speaker Boehner, Leader Reid, as well as the two appropriations chairs, Inouye and Rogers, to discuss the situation with…

The President today declared a major disaster exists in the State of Wisconsin and ordered Federal aid to supplement State and local recovery efforts in the area struck by a severe winter storm and snowstorm during the period of January…

The United States strongly condemns the use of violence by Yemeni government forces against demonstrators in Sanaa, Taiz, and Hodeida in the past several days.  The Yemeni people have a right to demonstrate peacefully, and we remind President Ali Abdullah…

On the one-year anniversary of the tragedy at the Upper Big Branch mine, America’s thoughts and prayers are never far from the miners who lost their lives and the loved ones they left behind. During the past year, my Administration…

THE WHITE HOUSE Oficina del Secretario de Prensa ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ PARA PUBLICACIÓN INMEDIATA                                                                                                     5 de abril, 2011   Declaraciones del secretario de prensa sobre la propuesta presupuestaria de los republicanos para el año fiscal 2012 El Presidente considera que reducir considerablemente el…

THE WHITE HOUSE Oficina del Secretario de Prensa ______________________________________________________________________________ PARA PUBLICACIÓN INMEDIATA                                                       5 de abril, 2011   Declaraciones del Secretario de Prensa  sobre la Aprobación de H.R. 4   “Como dijo el Presidente en su discurso sobre el Estado de…

WASHINGTON – Today, President Barack Obama announced his intent to nominate the following individuals to key Administration posts: D. Brent Hardt, Ambassador to the Co-operative Republic of Guyana, Department of State Donald W. Koran, Ambassador to the Republic of Rwanda,…

The President believes that dramatically reducing America’s long-term deficit is essential to growing our economy and winning the future.  Today, Congressman Ryan laid out his vision for how to do that, and he is right that we cannot solve our…

“As the President said during the State of the Union, we are open to working with Republicans and Democrats to improve the health reform law and we are pleased Congress has acted to correct a flaw that placed an unnecessary…

I remain deeply concerned by the security situation in Cote d’Ivoire. I strongly support the role that United Nations peacekeepers are playing as they enforce their mandate to protect civilians, and I welcome the efforts of French forces who are…