Archive: August 22, 2011

2:31 P.M. (Local)         PRIME MINISTER BATBOLD: (As translated.)  First of all, I’m grateful to the United States Vice President Biden for accepting my invitation to pay an official visit to Mongolia.  And I am pleased to welcome Your Excellency…

The President today declared an emergency exists in the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico and ordered federal aid to supplement commonwealth and local response efforts in the area struck by Hurricane Irene beginning on August 21, 2011, and continuing. The President’s…

The President and Prime Minister Cameron spoke today about the evolving situation in Libya.  They agreed that the situation had reached a tipping point and that Qadhafi needed to relinquish power once and for all.   At the same time, they…

2:20 P.M. EDT         THE PRESIDENT:  Good afternoon, everybody.  I just completed a call with my National Security Council on the situation in Libya.  And earlier today I spoke to Prime Minister Cameron about the extraordinary events taking place there.…

WASHINGTON – On Monday, September 5, the President will travel to Detroit, Michigan, to deliver remarks at the Labor Day event sponsored by the Metro Detroit Central Labor Council.

Tonight, the momentum against the Qadhafi regime has reached a tipping point. Tripoli is slipping from the grasp of a tyrant. The Qadhafi regime is showing signs of collapsing. The people of Libya are showing that the universal pursuit of…

1:20 P.M. EDT         MR. EARNEST:  Hey, everybody.  I have a few announcements to make at the top before we get started.  At 2:00 p.m. — so, in about 40 minutes — the President will be making a statement to…