Archive: September 9, 2011

WASHINGTON – Today, President Barack Obama announced his intent to appoint the following individuals to key Administration posts: Glenn S.Gerstell – Member, National Infrastructure Advisory Commission Charles “Chip” Lyons – United States Alternate Representative to the Executive Board on the…

Today, President Obama accepted the credentials of Ali Suleiman Aujali as Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Libya—the first representative to the United States from the new Libya, and one of the first Libyan diplomats internationally to be fully credentialed since…

Dear Mr. Speaker: I ask the Congress to consider the enclosed budget request for disaster response needs through Fiscal Year (FY) 2012. It includes a supplemental appropriations request for FY 2011 of $500 million and a budget amendment for FY…

GOVERNOR CUOMO STATEMENT ON PRESIDENT OBAMA’S JOBS ADDRESS “Tonight, President Obama laid out a real plan to jumpstart the economy and put Americans back to work. The President realizes that it is essential that creating jobs be the top priority…

Statement from UAW President Bob King on President Obama’s speech to Congress and his announcement of the American Jobs Act DETROIT – Today UAW President Bob King issued the following statement praising the leadership of President Obama and supporting the…

WASHINGTON – On Wednesday, September 14th, the President will travel to the Raleigh-Durham area to discuss the bipartisan proposals to grow the economy and create jobs as part of the American Jobs Act he unveiled in an address to a…

Gov. Peter Shumlin today issued the following statement on President Obama’s American Jobs Act: “I commend President Obama for his bold proposal to get Americans back to work and put the country on the road to recovery. This is the…

Statement From The Dow Chemical Company With Reference to President’s September 8 Address to Congress MIDLAND, MICHIGAN – September 9, 2011 – Andrew N. Liveris, Dow’s chairman and CEO, stated today, with reference to President Obama’s September 8 address to…

Kerry: President Obama Includes Kerry-Hutchison Bi-Partisan Infrastructure Bank Plan in Jobs Proposal WASHINGTON, D.C. – Senator John Kerry (D-Mass.) released the following statement after President Obama’s speech tonight to a joint session of Congress: “This morning, 12 of us charged…

PRESIDENT OBAMA IS RIGHT: WE NEED JOBS RIGHT NOW Washington, D.C. ─ Gerald W. McEntee, President of the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees, AFL-CIO (AFSCME) issued the following statement this evening in response to the American Jobs…