Archive: November 10, 2011

11:26 A.M. EST MRS. OBAMA:  Thank you, everyone.  (Applause.)  Good morning.  I want to start by thanking Kevin for that very kind introduction.  And I want to thank him for his service as a Marine, and for all that he…

The United States strongly condemns the aerial bombardment by the Sudan Armed Forces of the town of Yida in South Sudan.  Yida is located inside South Sudan and hosts more than 20,000 refugees who have fled the ongoing conflict in…

NOMINATIONS SENT TO THE SENATE: Gonzalo P. Curiel, of California, to be United States District Judge for the Southern District of California, vice Thomas J. Whelan, retired. John Z. Lee, of Illinois, to be United States District Judge for the…

President Obama called Italian President Napolitano today to express his confidence in President Napolitano’s leadership and to offer support for the President’s decisive action at this challenging time. President Obama also spoke separately with German Chancellor Merkel and French President…

WASHINGTON, DC – Today, President Obama nominated Judge Gonzalo P. Curiel, John Z. Lee, Judge George Levi Russell, IIIand John J. Tharp Jr. to serve on the United States District Court bench. “These individuals have demonstrated the talent, expertise, and…

WASHINGTON, DC – Today, President Obama nominated Richard Gary Taranto to serve on the United States Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit.  President Obama said, “Richard Taranto is a lawyer of exceptional legal ability and great personal and professional…

WASHINGTON, DC – Today, President Obama nominated Professor Scott L. Silliman and William B. Pollard, III to serve on the United States Court of Military Commission Review. “Today I am proud to appoint Scott L. Silliman and William B. Pollard…

Today, Republicans and Democrats in the Senate did the right thing and passed tax credits that will encourage businesses to hire America’s veterans.  Tomorrow, our nation will commemorate Veterans Day and honor the service and the sacrifice of all who have…

November 10, 2011 I support the State Department’s announcement today regarding the need to seek additional information about the Keystone XL Pipeline proposal.  Because this permit decision could affect the health and safety of the American people as well as…

November 10, 2011 I congratulate President Medvedev and his government for completing negotiations on the terms and conditions for Russia’s accession to the World Trade Organization (WTO), which were adopted today by the WTO Working Party on Russia’s accession.  The…