Archive: November 17, 2011

Grand Hyatt Bali, Indonesia 11:13 A.M. WITA PRESIDENT OBAMA:  Let me just say how much I appreciate the opportunity to meet again with President Aquino.  He has been an outstanding partner in a full range of multilateral issues.  We just…

Grand Hyatt Bali, Indonesia 9:37 A.M. WITA PRESIDENT OBAMA:  Well, it is a great pleasure, once again, to meet with my dear friend, Prime Minister Singh, and his delegation.  Last year around this time, I embarked on what was an…

The Racquet and Tennis Club New York, NY Good evening.  Thank you to my dear friend Terry for that warm introduction. It is an honor to be here with you, Governor O’Malley, David Beckman, and all of you who are…

Royal Army Air Force Base Darwin, Australia 4:55 P.M. ACST PRESIDENT OBAMA:  Thank you!  (Applause.)  Hello, everybody! AUDIENCE:  Hello! PRESIDENT OBAMA:  How are you doing?  I know that you all have a great Australian cheer.  I want to hear it. …

Campbell High School Canberra, Australia 11:53 A.M. AEST PRESIDENT OBAMA:  Well, thank you for taking the time.  Part of the reason I wanted to come by was when Julia came to Washington, D.C., we had a visit with some high…

Parliament House Canberra, Australia 10:42 A.M. AEST PRESIDENT OBAMA:  Prime Minister Gillard, Leader Abbott, thank you both for your very warm welcome.  Mr. Speaker, Mr. President, members of the House and Senate, ladies and gentlemen, I thank you for the…

Grand Hyatt Bali, Indonesia 9:20 A.M. WITA THE PRESIDENT:  Well, I just want to make a brief statement. This is a remarkable example of the trade investment and commercial opportunities that exist in the Asia Pacific region.  For the last…

The President today declared a major disaster exists in the State of Connecticut and ordered Federal aid to supplement state and local recovery efforts in the area affected by a severe storm during the period of October 29-30, 2011. Federal…

The President today declared a major disaster exists in the Commonwealth of Virginia and ordered Federal aid to supplement commonwealth and local recovery efforts in the area affected by the Remnants of Tropical Storm Lee during the period of September…

NOMINATIONS SENT TO THE SENATE: Gershwin A. Drain, of Michigan, to be United States District Judge for the Eastern District of Michigan, vice Bernard A. Friedman, retired. Roy Wallace McLeese III, of the District of Columbia, to be an Associate…