Archive: March 26, 2012

WASHINGTON, DC – Today, President Barack Obama announced his intent to nominate the following individuals to key Administration posts: Brett H. McGurk – Ambassador to the Republic of Iraq, Department of State Michele J. Sison – Ambassador to the Democratic…

I congratulate Macky Sall on his victory in Senegal’s presidential elections.  Domestic and international observers report that the election was carried out transparently, freely, and reflects the will of the Senegalese people. I also recognize President Abdoulaye Wade for his…

President Barack Obama today announced the designation of a Presidential Delegation to the Kingdom of Tonga to attend the State Funeral of His Majesty King George Topou V on March 27, 2012.   The Honorable Frankie A. Reed, Ambassador to Fiji,…

Attached and signed by the President today is a technical trade proclamation to modify duty-free treatment under the generalized system of preferences and for other purposes as well as a message to Congress signed by the President today regarding Argentina…

National 4-H Youth Conference Center Chevy Chase, Maryland As Prepared for Delivery Good Morning. Thank you, Stephen, for that kind introduction.  Thank you, Secretary Vilsack, for your terrific leadership.  Dr. Lauxman, thank you for hosting this conference and for your…

Gathered in Seoul on the occasion of the second Nuclear Security Summit, leaders of Belgium, France, the Netherlands and the United States reaffirm their commitment to minimize the use of Highly Enriched Uranium (HEU) for civilian purposes, where technically and…

Between the 1960s and mid-1980s, Italy had an ambitious nuclear power research program which included heavy water, boiling water, light water, and fast reactors.  In 1979, Italy signed the Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) which reaffirmed its commitment to be nuclear weapons…

In order to promote the goals of the 2010 Nuclear Security Communique to secure nuclear material and prevent nuclear terrorism, and specifically its call to strengthen global nuclear security through dialogue and cooperation with all states, the governments of Chile,…

Grand Hyatt Hotel Seoul, Republic of Korea 1:53 P.M. KST   MR. RHODES:  This was President Obama’s final bilateral meeting with President Medvedev in his current role as President of Russia.  I think as you saw from their remarks, there…

At the March 2012 Nuclear Security Summit in Seoul, South Korea, the Governments of Mexico, the United States, and Canada announced the completion of an important joint nuclear security project to convert the fuel in Mexico’s research reactor from highly…