Archive: March 27, 2012

1. In the principal communiqué here at the Nuclear Security Summit in Seoul, all participants reaffirm their commitment to the security of nuclear information as follows: We recognize the importance of preventing non-state actors from obtaining information, technology or expertise…

On the occasion of their participation in the 2012 Seoul Nuclear Security Summit, the governments of Australia, Canada, Finland, Hungary, Japan, Kazakhstan, Malaysia, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, the Philippines, Poland, Republic of Korea, Spain, Turkey, United Kingdom, United States,…

On the occasion of their participation in the 2012 Seoul Nuclear Security Summit, Algeria, Australia, Canada, Chile, Czech Republic, Germany, Hungary,  Indonesia, Italy, Japan, Jordan, Kazakhstan, Republic of Korea, Lithuania, Malaysia, Mexico, Morocco, Netherlands, Pakistan, Ukraine, United Arab Emirates, the…

The governments of the United States, United Kingdom, and French Republic each understand the threat of nuclear terrorism and share the collective responsibility to inform and strengthen international measures designed to secure sensitive information, technology or nuclear material from access…

Since the announcement of establishing the U.S.-Japan Nuclear Security Working Group at the U.S.-Japan Summit meeting in November 2010, this Group has successfully fulfilled its responsibility to identify and coordinate tangible outcomes for the 2012 Nuclear Security Summit, including the…

As one of the leaders in nuclear technology development, Belgium’s nuclear program has covered all aspects of nuclear fuel cycle including reprocessing and operated a reprocessing plant between 1966 and 1974. Belgium signed the NPT in 1975 as a non-weapons…

1. In the principal communiqué here at the Nuclear Security Summit in Seoul, all participants reaffirm their commitment to the security of civil transport of nuclear and radioactive materials as follows:   We will continue efforts to enhance the security…

At the Washington Nuclear Security Summit we agreed on a Communiqué and Work Plan that included actions aimed at thwarting the illicit trafficking of nuclear or other radioactive materials.  We recognize that identifying nuclear smugglers, recovering nuclear and radiological material…

Via Conference Call 6:15 P.M. KST MR. RHODES:  Hi, everybody.  Thanks for getting on this call.  I just wanted to read out the President’s meeting with Prime Minister Gilani.  This meeting (inaudible) to discuss the importance that they place on…

Plaza Hotel   Seoul, Republic of Korea   1:45 P.M. KST   MR. CARNEY:  Everyone ready?  Terrific.  Good afternoon.  Thanks for joining us here today for a daily briefing.  I have Ben Rhodes again — Deputy National Security Advisor to…