Archive: May 12, 2012

Greensboro Coliseum Greensboro, North Carolina 10:44 A.M. EDT   MRS. OBAMA:  Good morning, everyone.  (Applause.)    AUDIENCE:  Good morning.   MRS. OBAMA:  You all, rest yourselves.  (Laughter.)  First of all, let me thank Chancellor Martin for that very kind introduction. …

Rose Garden 11:13 A.M. EDT THE VICE PRESIDENT:  Welcome.  Welcome to the Rose Garden.  Welcome to the White House.  Please be seated, please be seated.  And congratulations.  It’s a great honor to be here with the best of the best,…

President Obama is calling on Democrats and Republicans to come together and act on his Congressional “to-do list,” which will create jobs and help restore middle class security. In this make-or-break moment for the middle class, these five initiatives have bipartisan support…