Archive: September 24, 2012

While the world has made significant strides in expanding opportunity for women and girls, continued inequalities remain, particularly in the areas of women’s political participation and economic opportunity. Growing bodies of evidence show that women’s political and economic empowerment are critical…

“This week, the United States signed a new Declaration on Women’s Participation. Next year, we should each announce the steps we are taking to break down economic and political barriers that stand in the way of women and girls. That…

James S. Brady Press Briefing Room 11:44 A.M. EDT MR. CARNEY:  Good Monday morning, everyone.  Thanks for being here.  I have no announcements at the top of this briefing, so I will go straight to the Associated Press. Q    Thanks,…

EXECUTIVE ORDER – – – – – – – STRENGTHENING PROTECTIONS AGAINST TRAFFICKING IN PERSONS IN FEDERAL CONTRACTS By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and the laws of the United States of America, including the…