Archive: March 22, 2013

Al Hummar Offices Amman, Jordan 8:23 P.M. EEST HIS MAJESTY KING ABDULLAH:  First of all, Mr. President, if you allow me, on behalf of myself and all Jordanians, to welcome you and your distinguished delegation back here in Jordan.  I…

Yad Vashem Jerusalem 10:22 A.M. IST   THE PRESIDENT:  “Unto them I will give my house and within my walls a memorial and a name…an everlasting name that shall not be cut off.”   President Peres, Prime Minister Netanyahu, Chairman…

Bosco Ntaganda’s surrender to the International Criminal Court marks an important day for international justice and the people of the eastern regions of the Democratic Republic of the Congo. As a leader of various armed groups, including most recently the…

The President today declared a major disaster exists in the State of Rhode Island and ordered Federal aid to supplement state and local recovery efforts in the area affected by the severe winter storm and snowstorm during the period of…

Today, I accepted Caitlin Halligan’s request to withdraw as a nominee for the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit.  I am deeply disappointed that even after nearly two and a half years, a minority of Senators…

WITHDRAWAL SENT TO THE SENATE: Caitlin Joan Halligan, of New York, to be United States Circuit Judge for the District of Columbia Circuit, vice John G. Roberts, Jr., elevated, which was sent to the Senate on January 4, 2013.

I want to thank Chairman Genachowski for his dedicated service on behalf of the American people.  Over the last four years, Julius has brought to the Federal Communications Commission a clear focus on spurring innovation, helping our businesses compete in…

I welcome the call today between Prime Minister Netanyahu and Prime Minister Erdogan.  The United States deeply values our close partnerships with both Turkey and Israel, and we attach great importance to the restoration of positive relations between them in…

Aboard Air Force One En Route Amman, Jordan 4:24 P.M. IST SENIOR ADMINISTRATION OFFICIAL:  We’ll do this on background — senior administration officials.  Do you guys have the statement from the President? Q    Yes, we do. SENIOR ADMINISTRATION OFFICIAL:  Okay. …