Archive: April 5, 2013

East Room 9:28 A.M. EDT THE VICE PRESIDENT:  Well, thank you all for being here today.  And welcome to the White House, and a belated happy Easter — this time of the year when we celebrate renewal and we reflect…

On Thursday, April 11, President Obama will host United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki-moon for an Oval Office visit.  The President looks forward to welcoming the Secretary General back to the White House and consulting with him on key issues,…

United States policy on Security Sector Assistance is aimed at strengthening the ability of the United States to help allies and partner nations build their own security capacity, consistent with the principles of good governance and rule of law.  The…

Today, President Obama issued a new policy directive on security sector assistance.  The goals of this new policy are to:  help partner nations build the sustainable capacity to address common security challenges; promote partner support for the policies and interests…

WASHINGTON, DC— On Friday, April 12th, President Obama will welcome the United States Naval Academy Football Team to the White House to present them with the 2012 Commander in Chief’s Trophy. The Commander in Chief’s trophy was established in 1972. …

On Thursday, May 16, President Obama will welcome Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan of Turkey to the White House.  As friends and NATO allies, the United States and Turkey are partners in addressing a range of critical global and regional…

President Obama will host His Majesty King Abdullah II of Jordan at the White House on Friday, April 26.  The President deeply appreciated the hospitality he received in Jordan last month and looks forward to continuing his consultations with King…

President Obama will welcome to the White House the Amir of Qatar, His Highness Hamad bin Khalifa al-Thani, on Tuesday, April 23rd.  The United States and Qatar have a strong bilateral relationship, reflecting our close defense partnership, expanding commercial ties,…

Today we can announce that the United States, with the cooperation of our international partners, successfully removed 68 kilograms of highly enriched uranium (HEU) – enough material for two nuclear weapons – from the Czech Republic. The HEU was securely…

  James S. Brady Press Briefing Room     1:26 P.M. EDT   MR. CARNEY:  Before I take your questions, I just wanted to let you know about some events next week related to the President’s push for common-sense measures…