Archive: June 15, 2013

President Obama discusses Father’s Day and notes that nothing substitutes for the love and support of the presence of a parent in a child’s life.

We have seen the announcement by the Government of the Islamic Republic of Iran that Hojjatoleslam Doctor Hassan Rouhani has been declared the winner of Iran’s presidential election.  We respect the vote of the Iranian people and congratulate them for…

A year ago today, the Administration took up the cause of “Dreamers” and took action to make our immigration system more representative of our values as a nation.  By removing the threat of deportation for people brought to the country…

Yesterday, the President called Governor John Hickenlooper to receive an update on fires that are impacting communities across the state, including the devastating Black Forest fire that is affecting families, homes and businesses in Colorado. The President expressed his condolences…

President Obama spoke yesterday with British Prime Minister Cameron, French President Hollande, Italian Prime Minister Letta, and German Chancellor Merkel ahead of next week’s G-8 Summit in Northern Ireland, hosted by Prime Minister Cameron.  The five leaders discussed Syria, including…