Archive: June 17, 2013

Lough Erne Resort Lough Erne, Northern Ireland 8:33 P.M. BST   PRESIDENT PUTIN:  (As interpreted.)  I’ve had detailed talks with the President of the United States on almost all the matters.  We began with economy and we had detailed discussions. …

Gaiety Theatre Dublin, Ireland 5:19 P.M. IST   MRS. OBAMA:  My goodness!  (Applause.)  That’s wonderful!  You did it!  Oh, my goodness.  (Applause.)  Thank you all so much.  It is good to be home.  Yes, indeed.  You all are amazing —…

Lough Erne Resort Lough Erne, Northern Ireland 3:23 P.M. BST PRIME MINISTER CAMERON:  Well, good afternoon and welcome, everyone.  Welcome to Lough Erne.   I always said that the whole point of this meeting in Lough Erne is to fire…

Belfast Waterfront Belfast, Northern Ireland 9:58 A.M. BST MRS. OBAMA:  Good morning.   (Applause.)  Oh, what an honor. Good morning, everyone.  First of all, let me thank Hannah for that very bold and wonderful introduction.  And of course, I want to…

Following their discussion on the global economy this afternoon, G-8 leaders at Lough Erne, Northern Ireland, have concluded: Promoting growth and jobs is our top priority. We agreed to nurture the global recovery by supporting demand, securing our public finances…

Today, during his meeting with G-8 leaders in Lough Erne, Northern Ireland, President Obama announced over $300 million in additional life-saving humanitarian assistance to help feed, shelter, and provide medical care for children, women, and men affected by the ongoing…

NOMINATIONS SENT TO THE SENATE: Liliana Ayalde, of Maryland, a Career Member of the Senior Foreign Service, Class of Career Minister, to be Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the United States of America to the Federative Republic of Brazil. James…

On June 14, the United States and the Russian Federation signed a new bilateral framework on threat reduction that reinforces our longstanding partnership on nonproliferation.  This new framework builds upon the success of the 1992 Agreement between the United States…

Recognizing the extraordinary growth in the use of information and communications technologies (ICTs), the United States and the Russian Federation have engaged in dialogue over the past two years on international security in this new and crucial area.  Our two…

On the occasion of the meeting of President Barack Obama with the President of the Russian Federation, Vladimir Putin, in Lough Erne, Northern Ireland, United Kingdom, the White House is pleased to announce the following joint statements between the United…