Archive: June 19, 2013

Schloss Charlottenburg Berlin, Germany 7:25 P.M. CEST CHANCELLOR MERKEL:  (As interpreted.)  Ladies and gentlemen, I would like to welcome you all, also on behalf of Professor Sauer, to this dinner here at Charlottenburg Palace.  And, obviously, I would like to…

Pariser Platz, Brandenburg Gate Berlin, Germany 3:29 P.M. CEST   PRESIDENT OBAMA:  Hello, Berlin!  (Applause.)  Thank you, Chancellor Merkel, for your leadership, your friendship, and the example of your life — from a child of the East to the leader…

German Chancellery Berlin, Germany 12:46 P.M. CEST CHANCELLOR MERKEL:  (As interpreted.)  A very warm welcome to the President of the United States, Barack Obama.  A very warm welcome indeed to Berlin.  It’s his first visit to Berlin as President of…

I am pleased that the Senate took bipartisan action today to confirm Michael Froman as the United States Trade Representative.  Mike has been my closest advisor on a broad range of international economic issues and will continue to play a…

The United States condemns in the strongest terms al-Shabaab’s despicable attack on the United Nations in Somalia today.  The attack targeted people and organizations working in partnership with the Somali Government to provide health services, clean water, sanitation, education, and…

Today, the President announced new guidance that aligns U.S. nuclear policies to the 21st century security environment.  This is the latest in a series of concrete steps the President has made to advance his Prague agenda and the long-term goal…