Archive: August 21, 2013

The President and Administration officials including Health and Human Services Secretary Sebelius held a videoconference today with directors of State-based health insurance Marketplaces. The President thanked those who are working on the frontlines every day, and heard about the progress…

Yesterday our son Beau underwent a successful procedure. He is in great shape and is going to be discharged tomorrow and heading home to Delaware. He will follow up with his local physicians in the coming weeks.

The United States is deeply concerned by reports that hundreds of Syrian civilians have been killed in an attack by Syrian government forces, including by the use of chemical weapons, near Damascus earlier today.  We are working urgently to gather…

James S. Brady Press Briefing Room 1:13 P.M. EDT MR. EARNEST:  Good afternoon, everybody.  I apologize for keeping you waiting.  I made a rookie mistake and almost forgot my glass of water.  (Laughter.)  So, my apologies. I do have a…