Archive: January 28, 2014

Mr. Speaker, Mr. Vice President, Members of Congress, my fellow Americans: Today in America, a teacher spent extra time with a student who needed it, and did her part to lift America’s graduation rate to its highest level in more…

The State of the Union Fact Sheet: Opportunity for All can be found HERE and below. Opportunity for All: Key Executive Actions the President Will Take in 2014 The President’s top priority remains ensuring middle class Americans feel secure in…

As Prepared for Delivery “In the coming months, let’s see where else we can make progress together.  Let’s make this a year of action.  That’s what most Americans want – for all of us in this chamber to focus on…

President Yanukovych of Ukraine called Vice President Biden today to update him on the current crisis in Ukraine.   The Vice President welcomed the progress made today and urged President Yanukovych to sign the parliament’s repeal of several of the January…

WASHINGTON, DC – In addition to the six individuals previously announced, the following individuals will be seated in the box with the First Lady, Dr. Biden and Valerie Jarrett, Senior Advisor to the President, at the State of the Union…

Once called “America’s tuning fork,” Pete Seeger believed deeply in the power of song.  But more importantly, he believed in the power of community – to stand up for what’s right, speak out against what’s wrong, and move this country…

Raising the Minimum Wage through Executive Order to $10.10 for Federal Contract Workers & Calling on Congress to Finish the Job for All Workers by Passing the Harkin-Miller Bill Year of Action: Making Progress Through Executive Action The President wants…