Archive: July 1, 2014

Georgetown Waterfront Washington, D.C. 2:22 P.M. EDT THE PRESIDENT:  Well, hello, everybody.  Have a seat, have a seat.  It’s hot.  (Laughter.)  It’s hot out — Anthony, take off your coat, man.  (Laughter.)  It is hot and Team USA takes the…

The Dolphin Hotel Orlando, Florida 11:42 A.M. EDT MRS. OBAMA:  Yes!  (Applause.)  How is everybody feeling today?  (Applause.)  It is really, really my pleasure.  You guys, rest yourselves.  You work hard enough.  (Laughter.)  No need to stand for my remarks. …

Cabinet Room 11:04 A.M. EDT THE PRESIDENT:  I thought I’d get the Cabinet together this morning because we all know that America will be busy this afternoon.  (Laughter.)  Go, Team USA.   About the halfway point through this year, we can…

Dr. Jill Biden has arrived in Lusaka, Zambia, her first stop on a three-country visit to Africa. Dr. Biden is joined by Rajiv Shah, Administrator of the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), and Catherine Russell, U.S. Ambassador-at-Large for…

Dear Mr. Chairman: In accordance with the provisions of section 1211(d) of the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 1998 (Public Law 105-85), I hereby notify you of my decision to establish a new level for the notification procedure…

James S. Brady Press Briefing Room 1:26 P.M. EDT   MR. EARNEST:  Good afternoon, everybody.  I apologize for the delay.  The Cabinet meeting ran a little long.  But hopefully we’ll be able to have a briefing here before the President…