Archive: July 31, 2014

This morning, President Obama invited bicameral congressional leaders and the Chairs and Ranking Members of national security committees to the White House to consult with them about ongoing U.S. efforts to respond to the conflicts in Ukraine, Iraq, Gaza, Syria,…

The following op-ed by First Lady Michelle Obama appeared last night across McClatchy platforms. Let’s end veteran homelessness once and for all At the beginning of June, 85 mayors, governors and county officials from across the country – and…

It is extraordinary that the House of Representatives, after failing for more than a year to reform our broken immigration reform system, would vote to restrict a law enforcement tool that the Department of Homeland Security uses to focus resources…

While the vast majority of federal contractors play by the rules, every year tens of thousands of American workers are denied overtime wages, not hired or paid fairly because of their gender or age, or have their health and safety…

James S. Brady Press Briefing Room 12:47 P.M. EDT MR. EARNEST:  Good afternoon, everybody.  Apologize for keeping you waiting a little bit this afternoon.  There is a presidential event scheduled for a little later this afternoon.  The President is also…