Archive: October 27, 2014

Vice President Joe Biden spoke today with Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko to congratulate the Ukrainian people for holding successful elections in accordance with democratic electoral standards. The Vice President also noted his planned travel to Ukraine the week of November…

Vice President Joe Biden will travel to Morocco, Ukraine, and Turkey during the week of November 17th, 2014. In Morocco, the Vice President will lead the U.S. delegation to the Fifth Annual Global Entrepreneurship Summit in Marrakech. In Ukraine, the…

WASHINGTON, DC – On November 6, 2014, President Barack Obama will award the Medal of Honor to Army First Lieutenant Alonzo H. Cushing for conspicuous gallantry.  First Lieutenant Alonzo H. Cushing will receive the Medal of Honor posthumously for his…

On behalf of the American people, I congratulate the people of Ukraine on holding successful parliamentary elections on October 26. Despite a challenging security environment in certain regions, millions of Ukrainians turned out across the country to cast their ballots…

U.S. manufacturing is central to the foundation of our economy, and the U.S. manufacturing sector is as competitive as it has been in decades for new jobs and investment.  Since February 2010, U.S. manufacturing has added more than 700,000 jobs,…

President Obama congratulates President Dilma Rousseff of Brazil on her re-election yesterday.  Brazil is an important partner for the United States and we are committed to continuing to work with President Rousseff to strengthen our bilateral relationship.  The President looks…

James S. Brady Press Briefing Room **Please see below for a correction marked with an asterisk. 1:09 P.M. EDT MR. EARNEST:  Afternoon, everybody.  Happy Monday.  Let me do a quick announcement, and then we’ll get to questions.  We discussed at…