Archive: January 15, 2015

Charmington’s Café North Baltimore, Maryland 1:46 P.M. EST   THE PRESIDENT:  Hello, everybody.  I want to thank Amanda and the whole crew here at this wonderful coffee shop.  And I also want to thank Vika and Mary, as well as…

The President spoke today with Chancellor Merkel of Germany regarding developments in Ukraine.  The two leaders discussed their support for a robust package of international financing for Ukraine as it implements an ambitious series of reforms and noted the recent…

Today, Vice President Biden, Secretary of Energy Ernest Moniz, and White House Science Advisor John Holdren are traveling to Norfolk State University in Norfolk, Virginia to announce that the Department of Energy will provide a $25 million grant over the next five…

 Last month, President Obama announced historic changes to our Cuba policy, beginning the process of normalization between our countries, and announcing his commitment to ease restrictions on American citizens and businesses.  Today, the U.S. Departments of the Treasury and Commerce…

James S. Brady Press Briefing Room 1:24 P.M. EST MR. EARNEST:  All right, good afternoon, everybody.  Hope your Thursday is off to a good start.  I don’t have anything to do at the top, so let’s go straight to questions. …

MARTIN LUTHER KING, JR., FEDERAL HOLIDAY, 2015 – – – – – – – BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA A PROCLAMATION A champion for justice, the Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., helped awaken our Nation’s…

EXECUTIVE ORDER – – – – – – – FEDERAL SUPPORT FOR LOCAL LAW ENFORCEMENT EQUIPMENT ACQUISITION By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and the laws of the United States of America, and in order…

MEMORANDUM FOR THE HEADS OF EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENTS AND AGENCIES SUBJECT: Expanding Federal Support for Predevelopment Activities for Nonfederal Domestic Infrastructure Assets The United States is significantly underinvesting in both the maintenance of existing public infrastructure and the development of new…