Archive: January 16, 2015

East Room 12:37 P.M. EST PRESIDENT OBAMA:  Good afternoon, everybody.  This month marks a notable anniversary — 200 years since the Battle of New Orleans.  Here in America, we call it a great victory over a mighty United Kingdom.  Our…

The Vice President spoke today with Haitian President Michel Martelly, continuing their dialogue on the United States’ long-term support for Haiti’s reconstruction, development, and democratic progress. The Vice President commended President Martelly for his efforts to reach a negotiated agreement…

Lynn has made ending the scourge of violence against women the cause of her life. She was there as an advocate in the trenches when I wrote the Violence Against Women Act twenty years ago. She was there when President Obama…

NOMINATIONS SENT TO THE SENATE: Adewale Adeyemo, of California, to be an Assistant Secretary of the Treasury, vice Marisa Lago. Brian James Egan, of Maryland, to be Legal Adviser of the Department of State, vice Harold Hongju Koh, resigned. Matthew…

The United States and the United Kingdom agree that the cyber threat is one of the most serious economic and national security challenges that our nations face.  Every day foreign governments, criminals, and hackers are attempting to probe, intrude into,…

Building a 21st-century infrastructure is a critical component of the Administration’s efforts to accelerate economic growth, expand opportunity, create jobs and improve the competitiveness of the American economy. As part of this effort, President Obama launched the Build America Investment…