Archive: March 2, 2015

Good evening everyone.  It’s great to be back at AIPAC.  Rosy, thank you so much for your warm introduction. I want to thank Bob Cohen, Michael Kassen, Lillian Pinkus, my old friend Lee Rosenberg, and all of AIPAC’s board and…

Roosevelt Room 12:09 P.M. EST THE PRESIDENT:  Last year, the events in Ferguson and New York exposed a deep-rooted frustration in many communities of color around the need for fair and just law enforcement. And so back in December, I…

Tokyo, Japan; Kyoto, Japan; Siem Reap, Cambodia Coming on the heels of the President and First Lady’s launch of the Let Girls Learn international girls education initiative, Mrs. Obama will travel to Japan and Cambodia from March 18-22, 2015. She…

Today, President Obama met with members of the Technology CEO Council to discuss 21st century economic and security issues including trade, cybersecurity, immigration and tax reform.  Growing U.S. exports to support new opportunities for our workers and businesses is a…

It has been the honor of a lifetime to work alongside my friend Barbara Mikulski. I will always be proud to be able to tell my four granddaughters that I served with a Senator who changed the way we think…

 Senator Mikulski is more than just a legendary senator for the people of Maryland, she’s an institution in the United States Senate. Barbara’s service to the people of Maryland spans decades, but her legacy will span generations. Barbara is the…

James S. Brady Press Briefing Room 12:46 P.M. EST MR. EARNEST:  Good afternoon, everybody.  Happy Monday.  I hope you had a restful weekend.  March certainly strolled in like a lion; hopefully the lamb is going to appear here sometime soon,…