Archive: March 11, 2015

1:04 P.M. EDT      MRS. OBAMA:  Hello everyone!  Nowruzetan Mobarak!  (Applause.)         It is really, truly a pleasure to have you all here at the White House.  I want to start by thanking Ashley for that wonderful introduction.  Doesn’t she…

We welcome today’s approval by the IMF board of a new four-year $17.5 billion Extended Fund Facility (EFF) for Ukraine.  The EFF, which is underpinned by an ambitious series of economic reforms, underscores both the commitment of the Ukrainian government…

NOMINATIONS SENT TO THE SENATE:    Edward L. Ayers, of Virginia, to be a Member of the National Council on the Humanities for a term expiring January 26, 2020, vice David Hertz, term expired. Stephen Crawford, of Maryland, to be a…

Dear Mr. Speaker: (Dear Mr. President:) Section 202(d) of the National Emergencies Act (50 U.S.C. 1622(d)) provides for the automatic termination of a national emergency unless, within 90 days prior to the anniversary date of its declaration, the President publishes…

James S. Brady Press Briefing Room 12:32 P.M. EDT MR. EARNEST:  Good afternoon, everybody.  It’s nice to see you today.  Let me do a quick thing at the top and then we’ll get to your questions. Over the course of…

MEMORANDUM FOR THE DIRECTOR OF THE NATIONAL COUNTERTERRORISM CENTER  SUBJECT:      Delegation of Authority Pursuant to Section 1278(b)(1) of the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2015 By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and…