Archive: March 17, 2015

East Room 5:34 P.M. EDT   PRESIDENT OBAMA:  Hello, everybody!  This is a good-looking crowd.  (Applause.)  Everybody all right back there?  Have you been enjoying yourselves too much?  (Laughter.)  Happy St. Patrick’s Day, everybody.  (Applause.)  There are too many distinguished…

Oval Office 11:30 A.M. EDT   PRESIDENT OBAMA:  Well, it is a great pleasure to once again welcome my good friend and colleague, the Taoiseach, Prime Minister Kenny, back to the White House and the Oval Office along with his…

With more than 12 million private-sector jobs created over the last 60 months, it is clear that the President’s middle class economic agenda is working.  But instead of taking the steps we need to strengthen the standing of working families,…

National Security Advisor Susan E. Rice met today with Shotaro Yachi, Secretary General of Japan’s National Security Secretariat.  Ambassador Rice noted that the President looks forward to hosting Prime Minister Abe for an official visit next month, the first of…

Tokyo, Japan; Kyoto, Japan; Siem Reap, Cambodia *Updated with additional event information for the First Lady’s visit to Tokyo. In case you missed it: Read the First Lady’s Op-Ed “Let’s Ensure That Every Girl Can Learn” HERE. On the heels…

President Obama will host Italian Prime Minister Matteo Renzi at the White House on Friday, April 17.  Italy is a valued NATO ally and partner on a broad range of global challenges.  During their meeting, the President and Prime Minister…

James S. Brady Press Briefing Room 12:30 P.M. EDT MR. EARNEST:  Good afternoon, everybody.  I do see a fair amount of green in the room today, which is nice to see.  I’m wearing my green today not just to pay…

MEMORANDUM FOR THE SECRETARY OF STATE SUBJECT:      Delegation of Authority Under the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2015 By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and the laws of the United States of…