Archive: June 16, 2015

The Mulberry School London, United Kingdom  11:59 A.M. GMT MS. OGDEN:  Okay.  So our first question is for Ms. Julia Gillard.  Kawsara Chowdhury in year 13, where are you, please?   Q    Thank you.  Hello, my name is Kawsara…

The Mulberry School London, United Kingdom  10:41 A.M. GMT MS. TCHEN:  I want to welcome everybody.  My name is Tina Tchen.  I am the Chief of Staff to the First Lady and the Executive Director of the White House Council…

The Mulberry School London, United Kingdom 11:40 A.M. GMT MRS. OBAMA:  Thank you so much.  (Applause.)  Oh, warm welcome indeed.  Well, hello, everyone.  I want to thank Dr. Ogden for that wonderful introduction and for her outstanding leadership at this…

The Mulberry School London, United Kingdom 10:45 A.M. GMT   MRS. OBAMA:   Thank you so much, Tina. That’s a mouthful, but it’s all good stuff. (Laughter.)  And that’s one of the reason why I’m so excited to be here. …

The Intelligence Community has concluded that Nasir al-Wahishi, the leader of al-Qa’ida in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP) and deputy to al-Qa’ida leader Ayman al-Zawahiri, has been killed in Yemen. Wahishi’s death strikes a major blow to AQAP, al-Qa’ida’s most dangerous…

NOMINATIONS SENT TO THE SENATE: John Morton, of Massachusetts, to be Executive Vice President of the Overseas Private Investment Corporation, vice Mimi E. Alemayehou. Linda Thomas-Greenfield, an Assistant Secretary of State (African Affairs), to be a Member of the Board…

The First Lady is currently in London. While in the U.K, the First Lady will meet with local students and discuss how the U.K. and the U.S. are working together to expand access to adolescent girls’ education around the world.…

National Security Advisor Susan E. Rice met yesterday with Republic of Korea (ROK) Foreign Minister Yun Byung-Se at the White House. Ambassador Rice and Foreign Minister Yun affirmed their strong commitment to the U.S.-ROK alliance and discussed a broad range…

Taking Action to Cut Carbon Pollution and Grow the Economy through the Administration’s Clean Energy Investment Initiative While Doubling Initial Goal of $2 Billion President Obama and his Administration are committed to using every tool possible to combat climate change.…

The two countries will launch a nearly $200 million partnership to continue their collective support for adolescent girls’ education—part of which will be directed to countries affected by conflict and crisis In March 2015, the United States launched a new,…