Archive: December 1, 2015

The United States congratulates the people of Burkina Faso for participating in peaceful and orderly elections on November 29, marking a major milestone in the country’s democratic progress.  In recent years, Burkinabe citizens have stood up to repeated attempts to…

Rosa Parks held no elected office.  She was not born into wealth or power.  Yet sixty years ago today, Rosa Parks changed America.  Refusing to give up a seat on a segregated bus was the simplest of gestures, but her…

Today, in conjunction with World AIDS Day, the White House Office of National AIDS Policy is releasing the Federal Action Plan for 2016-2020, which outlines specific Federal agency actions to implement the updated National HIV/AIDS Strategy next year and through…

Chief of Missions Residence  Paris, France 10:25 A.M. CET PRESIDENT OBAMA:  President Erdogan and I had a chance to see each other in Antalya recently at the G20.  In light of recent events, we thought it would be useful for…

Today, the White House will announce additional commitments from 73 companies from across the American economy who are joining the American Business Act on Climate Pledge. With this announcement, a total of 154 companies will have signed the American Business…

INTERNATIONAL DAY OF PERSONS WITH DISABILITIES, 2015 – – – – – – – BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA A PROCLAMATION The United States has long been a leading voice for the rights of persons with…

HELSINKI HUMAN RIGHTS DAY, 2015 – – – – – – – BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA A PROCLAMATION Four decades ago, the leaders of the United States, Canada, the Soviet Union, and countries from across…

MEMORANDUM FOR THE SECRETARY OF DEFENSE THE SECRETARY OF STATE SUBJECT:      Delegation of Reporting Functions Specified in Section 941 of the Fiscal Year 2014 National Defense Authorization Act By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and the…