Archive: March 21, 2016

REMARKS BY PRESIDENT OBAMA AT AN ENTREPRENEURSHIP AND OPPORTUNITY EVENT   La Cervecería Havana, Cuba       4:29 P.M. CST   PRESIDENT OBAMA:  Thank you.  (Applause.)  Muchas gracias.  Please, everybody have a seat.  Buenas tardes.   Let me begin…

Fabrica de Arte Havana, Cuba 10:52 A.M. CST MS. O’BRIEN:  So hi, everyone.  Me llamo Soledad, and I’m a journalist.  And my mother is Cuban, and grew up not very far from here.  I spend a lot of time telling…

President Obama’s trip to Cuba marks a historic milestone in the normalization process between the United States and Cuba.  Since President Obama and Cuban President Raul Castro announced that the two countries would initiate a new era of relations 15…

El viaje del Presidente Obama a Cuba marca un hito histórico en el proceso de normalización entre Estados Unidos y Cuba.  Desde que el Presidente Obama y el Presidente de Cuba, Raul Castro anunciaron que los dos países iniciarían una…

Palace of the Revolution Havana, Cuba 2:18 P.M. CST PRESIDENT OBAMA:  Buenas tardes.  President Castro, to you, the Cuban government and the Cuban people, thank you for the welcome that you have extended to me, to my family, and to…

HONORING THE VICTIMS OF THE ATTACK IN BRUSSELS, BELGIUM – – – – – – – BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA A PROCLAMATION The American people stand with the people of Brussels.  We will do whatever…