Archive: May 21, 2016

WASHINGTON, DC — In this week’s address, President Obama discussed one of the single most important steps to help grow middle-class wages – expanding the number of workers who are eligible for the overtime that they have earned. Every week,…

President Obama spoke by phone today with Prime Minister Haidar Al-Abadi of Iraq to reaffirm United States support for the Iraqi people and our common  fight against ISIL, as well as to offer condolences on behalf of the American people…

WASHINGTON, DC —  En su mensaje semanal, el Presidente Obama habló sobre uno de los pasos más importantes para ayudar aumentar los salarios de la clase media –  asegurando a que más trabajadores califiquen para las horas extras que se…

Yesterday, National Security Advisor Susan E. Rice met with Kenyan Cabinet Secretaries Amina Mohamed and James Macharia at the White House. They discussed the strong U.S.-Kenya partnership, as highlighted in the President’s July 2015 visit to Nairobi, and opportunities to…