Archive: June 2, 2016

Lerner Theater Elkhart, Indiana 5:10 P.M. EDT MS. IFILL:  Good evening.  And welcome to Elkhart, Indiana, as we sit down with President Obama and the residents of this community to discuss their concerns, look back on his time in office,…

United States Air Force Academy Colorado Springs, Colorado 10:20.M. MDT THE PRESIDENT:  Hello, Air Force!  (Applause.)  Thank you so much.  Thank you.  It is wonderful to be back at the United States Air Force Academy!  (Applause.)  Thank you,  Secretary James,…

Friday, June 3rd New York, New York * 10:30AM ET— First Lady Michelle Obama will deliver her final commencement address as First Lady at the 170th Commencement Ceremony of The City College of New York on the CCNY campus in…

Today the White House is announcing a new Federal policy statement from the U.S. Departments of Health and Human Services and Education on better supporting our country’s youngest dual language learners (DLLs) in early childhood programs. The Obama Administration will…

For five years, Solicitor General Don Verrilli has fought in our nation’s highest court for a better future, winning landmark cases that moved America forward. Thanks to his efforts, 20 million more Americans now know the security of quality, affordable…

Government and Business Leaders Gather in San Francisco at CEM7 and the Mission Innovation Ministerial to Accelerate Clean Energy Deployment and to Double Clean Energy R&D Investments over Five Years to $30 Billion per Year  President Obama’s leadership has helped…

Aboard Air Force One En Route Andrews Air Force Base 3:17 P.M. MDT MR. EARNEST:  Before we start, I have some additional information about the rescue of the Thunderbird pilot whose aircraft crashed earlier this afternoon. As you know, it…