Earlier this afternoon President Obama spoke with Mexican President Felipe Calderón to underscore his Administration’s commitment to the strong bilateral relationship between the United States and Mexico.   For his part, President Calderón took the opportunity to congratulate the President on the historic passage of health care legislation.

On the eve of a U.S.-Mexico Merida High Level Consultative Group meeting in Mexico City, President Obama discussed with President Calderón the mutual desire to work together for the benefit of the safety and security of citizens on both sides of our shared border.  The President highlighted the importance he places on fulfilling our responsibility in the effort against Mexican drug trafficking organizations as well as our sustained commitment to support Mexico’s efforts.

The President noted that the U.S. delegation traveling to Mexico this week, chaired by Secretary of State Clinton and including Secretary of Defense Gates, Secretary of Homeland Security Napolitano, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Mullen, Assistant to the President for Homeland Security Brennan, Director of National Intelligence Blair, and senior officials from the departments of Justice and Treasury, as well as from the Office of the Director of National Drug Control Policy, will provide an opportunity to continue and build upon the unprecedented cooperation between our two countries.