Focus on Moving the Economy Forward

WASHINGTON — Later this month, the President will continue his conversations with middle-class Americans with stops in New Mexico, Iowa, and Virginia.  Throughout the summer, President Obama has met with families to listen to their concerns and to discuss specific ways to jumpstart job creation and strengthen the middle class.  He met with residents of Fairfax, Virginia, earlier this week, and families in Columbus, Ohio, in August. 

During this upcoming trip, the President will continue his focus on moving the economy forward and getting people back to work, while rebuilding a strong economic foundation to ensure future prosperity for all Americans. 

The President will participate in events in Albuquerque, New Mexico, on September 28, and Des Moines, Iowa, and Richmond, Virginia, on September 29.  More details about the President’s travel, including press credentialing information, will be released in the coming days.